Baking Mistakes That Doom Your Cakes

by | Nov 1, 2018 | Shopping

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Baking mistakes could be ruining your cake. If your cakes always come out looking less than perfect and you haven’t a clue what’s going on, here are a few mistakes you might be making. Rectify the mistakes now so you can look forward to better-tasting cakes.

You use the ingredients wrong

In baking, it’s not enough to take that unsalted butter out of the fridge and use it for your cake. You need to give it time to thaw out. If you’re not using when it’s at room temperature, that could be why your cakes taste off, Paste Magazine says.

You don’t have the right tools

Don’t make do with the wrong baking tools. For instance, if the recipe needs a 9-inch round pan, that’s not the same as an 8-inch round pan at all. If you’re going to make do with tools, then you’ll be left with baking disasters.

You’re using the wrong flour

If the recipe calls for a certain type of flour, don’t think you know better by exchanging it with something else, not unless you also bake and you know that the alternative is a viable one. If you don’t have any baking experience or knowledge, then follow the recipe to a T.

Your oven might be faulty

One of the most important things you need to do when you bake is to know your oven. Know how to use it. Test it. Do you need to make sure the cake is centered, so it doesn’t overbake? Discover what temperature settings work before you proceed with ambitious cake projects.

You skimp on tools

Another factor in your kitchen failures might be the quality of the tools and supplies you use. Cheap ones could affect the taste of the cake. Don’t skimp. Invest in quality tools. Shop at NY Cake for a wide range of options.

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