For the majority of people nearly all dietary supplements are considered safe and offer actual health benefits, but there are some health risks for some people. Dietary supplements are created to allow you to supplement your nutrition usually with mineral and vitamins. Supplements in Canada can be found in health food stores.
Sometimes even the most conscientious and healthy person will find it difficult to get all the required vitamins and minerals from their diet. They will add dietary supplements to fill in the nutrient gaps. Taking a daily multi-vitamin or several separate vitamins is not only helpful, but it is the smart decision. These precious supplements help restore the body back to homeostasis and balances out the hormones.
Many expecting women will find that their doctor will prescribe them a prenatal vitamin to help them get the necessary dietary nutrient requirements.
Most people get all their nutrients from the foods they consume. A balanced diet can provide all the vitamins and minerals a person needs. However, many people need additional vitamins and minerals. This can be from a certain health condition or the inability to consume a balanced diet.
Vitamins and mineral can be consumed in a variety of ways. They come packed in pills, powder, capsules, liquid, and gummies. They are generally safe for the majority of the population. Individuals who have a compromised liver should always ask their doctor before starting an over-the-counter medication. Some dietary supplements can interact with over-the-counter or prescription medication, and in some cases, with each other.
Many people take only one supplement per day but could benefit by taking a compound supplement.
Scientific research has shown that ingesting vitamin and mineral supplements provide benefits. For example, people who have an increased risk of developing osteoporosis as an adult are likely to benefit from receiving a Vitamin D supplement. A dosage of 1,000 IU per day can significantly reduce the risk for development.