Signs you need an Electrician

by | Oct 17, 2013 | Electronics

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Your electricity is a vital utility you depend on everyday. It is also a very volatile power that can lead to serious risks when it is not in excellent condition. Recognizing some of the more obvious signs you have issues will help you know when it might be a good idea to call an electrician.

Flickering and Blinking
Your lights can be a great indicator when there is something wrong with your electrical. When lights begin to flicker and blink this means there is an inconsistency in the way power is being delivered in your home. Although this can happen during electrical storms, when it happens often in all weather conditions it is a cause for concern. If it seems to happen to a particular lamp or appliance chances are it is the appliance itself. However if it occurs throughout the home, you may have lose or faulty wires or potential issues with your circuit breaker. An electrician will help discover the issue and decide if rewiring is required or if a new Eaton circuit breaker from Breaker Outlet is necessary.

Short Circuiting
If you are experience short circuits you may have some serious issues in the wiring hidden behind the walls. When a short circuit occurs you will usually be able to smell an “electrical” smell or a burnt odor. Short circuits will also usually result in a power outage. If you experience an outage check the plug where the outage occurs and look for signs of burning such as black or brown markings on the outlet cover. Check the plug and cord of the lamp or appliance for fraying or damage. If there is no damage to the cord it is more than likely the wiring and it is time to call an electrician.

Repeated Circuit Breaker Tripping
When your circuit breaker is tripped it will happen to a specific switch on your circuit breaker. If this continues to happen to the same circuit without cause such as operating too many appliances at a time or a short than there may be something wrong with the circuit itself. Sometimes this can mean a quick and simple repair to the circuit itself, but other times you may require a new Eaton Circuit Breaker. An electrician can determine the issue and make the repairs or replacement as required.

When your circuit breaker is tripped it will happen to a specific switch on your circuit breaker. Sometimes this can mean a quick and simple repair to the circuit itself, but other times you may require a new Eaton circuit breaker. Choose from a variety of different types from.

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